Without modern technology there is no success in the future.
Advances in science improve our future lives.
Our Program
StemCure’s program is based on the idea of Personal Tissue Banking. Our mission is the cryo-preservation of our clients’ tissue samples and encompassed genetic material (DNA) at their current age, which they may then draw upon for medical purposes as they grow older. It has been scientifically shown that our cells change as they age, becoming less metabolically active and gradually accumulating minor genetic mutations. This phenomenon has complicated the search for regenerative medical therapies, because the patient population seeking such treatments tends to be older and their cells tend to be less responsive. For example, the level of regenerative keratinocyte stem cells in the outer epidermal layer of our skin, or blood (hematopoietic) stem cells in our bone marrow declines gradually with age. Everyone has probably noticed how easily minor cuts and bruises heal in young children compared to older adults. Similarly, the accumulation of deleterious genetic (DNA) mutations that may eventually lead to medical problems, including cancer, increases as we age.